Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Just need to write

Hi! I don't know if anyone is even reading this thing anymore...but I gotta I'm writing here. :O)

About me, I had Gastric Bypass 13 months ago and have lost 140 pounds so far. Yippee!! I am a completely different person than I was a year ago. I won't say that I feel completely different, because it's more than that. I AM a completely new person. Like I got the reset buttom pushed on my life. Crazy. And quite wonderful! I feel wonderful!

Anyways, enough about that. Today has been quite the eventful day. I went to see my surgeon for my 1 year anniversary of my surgery. He said I am at my goal. Really?!? At my goal? Seriously? Yep, he told me he did not want me to lose any more weight. That was very strange to hear...I can't remember ever hearing that before. Ever, I've always had a few pounds to lose.

Amazing! Also, I asked him when Dh and I could start trying to have children. He said we could start whenever we want. My weight is stable enough to start trying. Wow...I thought it was going to be another year before we could start, nope...

So, now the only problem is my MS drug. If taking it while TTC, it could induce miscarriages. I need to talk to my neurologist about how to stop taking the drug and DH and I need to get serious about trying.

The good news is that my periods are as stable and regular now as they have ever been, every month right on time for the last 8 months. I haven't charted, but I believe I have seen signs of ovulation. So, I think we're all set. Gosh, I hope we will be able to get pregnant. I've heard that people who have had gastric bypass and were infertile before, are more fertile after the weight loss. (fingers crossed)


  1. I have you on the RSS feed, so I can see it when you post :D.

    140 lbs lost is great! I hope everything works out for you and DH.

  2. yay!! Nice to "see" you :o) I need to figure out the whole RSS feed thing. :)
