Monday, August 13, 2007

I feel better today :o)

I actually was a slug today and did nothing but sit on the couch and watch reality TV (I would never admit this to consider yourself privileged ;o) Sad, I know...but yes...I happen to enjoy reality TV every once in a while. Not the super trashy ones, but the dance competitions and talent competitions. Those are always entertaining. RealityTV was having a marathon so I indulged. :O) So I did that, took a nap, because laying on the couch watching TV is soooo exhausting and then took a shower and I feel like a new girl. I am feeling better about the DH situation. He has started a new exercise program, that I am VERY proud of him for doing and hopefully that will help to shift his luck and help him to get his life going again.

As for me, I heard from one of the jobs today, she said they are still interested and are trying to find a time to get me in for an interview. The other two I don't expect to hear anything until next week at the I'm not freaking out yet. ;o)

I signed up for a nutrition class for Gastric Bypass patients who are trying to maintain their weight. I figured it would help me with this journey I am on. My fear is that I will end of like so many who have had Gastric Bypass and lose all of the weight to no change any of their habits and gain it all back. I never want to go back to the person I was, so I am trying to do all I can to get my head in the right place to stay healthy and fit.

Welp, I should head out. I am late to my MS support meeting. A chiropractor is going to be teaching a stress reduction class...should be interesting. I've been looking for a good chiropractor. I also need to stop and get some coffee...because I never really woke up today. :o)

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