Thursday, August 09, 2007

Amazing times.....

Yep...I hate to even write it...for fear that I might jinx it. But for the first time in gosh...maybe 10 professional life has the potential to be really awesome. ;o) I say potential, because nothing has become official yet....but things are looking good. There are three potential offers on the table, have I mentioned that three is my lucky number? :o)

1. A small company, doing admin/sales working directly with the customer. I LOVE customer service, I know.....silly really because I am an admin. I am a nerd and just "get" all things technical. But, for some reason talking and helping people every day, really excites me. :) So, this job excites me. I had one phone interview so far and the manager of the department said he loved me and I was perfect no less than 3 times (yep, there's that number again) It really was an amazing interview. I spoke to the recruiter and she said that that they want to schedule a second face to face interview (which is mostly a formality) and hopefully will offer me a position in the next week or so. :)

2. A department at work is looking to hire someone. It's a definite step up, but still a contractor position (which is what I am now) I would prefer not to take another contractor position, but it would be a promotion and I would learn lots. This job as you can see, I am not as excited about....but it would be a promotion and a good move career wise. The manager of the department has contacted me and asked me to submit my resume for it...and seems very interested in hiring me for it.

3. I was contacted today and a manager wants to submit my resume for a new HUGE high profile project at work. This would be a definite promotion and would be huge because it mean becoming a full time regular employee instead of a contractor. It would also look REALLY good on a resume and could really open a lot of doors for me. Only problem, 1. it's a long shot. 2. It would be working for my current company which I pretty much have no respect for. But, again, it would be a very, very good career move.

So, I have submitted my resume for all three positions...and am now pretty much just waiting. Gosh, I hope I don't end up interviewing for all three next week...that would make for a tiring week. ;o)

But, all the same...very exciting and very flattering. I hope at least one of these pans out. :) I really do...really, really dislike my current job...and want to move on to something else.

1 comment:

  1. WOOOHOOO!!! Good luck with it all! I hope it all works out as you want :).

