Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The incredible shrinking woman...and I feel GREAT!

August 06? Really? I've been gone that long? much has happened....I have so much to catch you up on. hmm...where to start?

I guess I could start from where I left off.....yeah...that would be good.

My weight. As of this morning I have lost 102 pounds since my weight loss surgery. Yep....and I feel wonderful!! Seriously, I feel so much more like a real person. Not that I didn't feel like a real person before....but I never really realized how much I allowed myself to hide behind my weight. For EVERYTHING. Now that I've taken away my number one excuse (I can' do that, I am too fat) The whole world is starting to open up to me...and I feel like I can do everything.

Here are some stats for you figure heads out there, I have gone from a tight size 24 to a very loose size 14, almost in 12's...and then 10'! That is my dream.....I would be happy in a 10. :) I have lost almost 10 inches on my waist alone, 3 ring sizes and 2 shoe sizes. I am the incredible shrinking woman. ;) I still have 40 pounds to lose according to my doctor, and if you look at my BMI I am still considered "obese" so, as long as I get my BMI under 30...I would be very happy with my weight....where ever it happens to end up. I don't think I need to get down to 130 (my dr's goal) in order to be healther. I am 5'6 BTW. :)

I think I am going to leave this post and write another one for my happenings. :) Just to keep things neat and tidy. :)

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