Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm baaaaaaack!

Ha! Funny that this is probably the third blog post with that same tittle. I have decided that I really need to start writing in my blog more regularly. So, maybe I'll actually get some company in regular readers. ;o)

I guess the biggest news is that I signed up for the MS 3 day walk. It happens in August and is 20 miles a day on Friday and Saturday and 10 miles on Sunday. I have ALWAYS wanted to challenge myself by doing a 3 day...and well since I have Multiple Sclerosis I guess this cause would be the closest to my heart. Lately, I've been thinking more about my mortality....or the possibility of a later life of disability. So, I decided that if I want to do something...I should do it now. Because honestly, my body may not allow me to do it later in life. Carpe ;O)

I actually told my neuroligist about my new exercise plan and she seemed concerned which kinda bugged me. I guess, since I have been overweight all my life anytime I went to the doctor they would always encourage, almost beg me to start excercising...and now that I am doing it a doctor is encouraging me to not do it. She actually just wanted to make sure that I wasn't getting too overheated (which can exasserbate my MS). I do understand that....and try not to push myself too hard. But, it's hard becuase I love thinking of myself as an "athlete" as a former fat's nothing I have ever been able to realistically call myself. So, I am pacing myself...but will still exercise.

Yesterday my friend Karen and I went and had a lovely pedicure and then went to a yummy place for brunch. We went to this place on Pearl street in Boulder called TenTwenty It was this great spa in which you get to sit in huge overstuffed over pillowed chairs and then are given choice of drink and M&M's plain or peanut. yum! (Have I mentioned that I love M&M's) and Sex and the City was playing on the HUGE screen in front of the chairs. It was quite indungent...but of so lovely. Then we walked further down Pearl St. to a very yummy completely organic resturant called Sunflower
I had a smoked salmon benedict on fresh baked corn bread (instead of the traditional english muffin) and it was oh, so yummy!! I'm glad we walked a mile to get there...because I really needed to walk off that comfort. ;o)

After that completely indulgent morning I came home and spent the afternoon with Robb, doing chores around the house. Then, we went to a friends birthday party at the Colorado Speedway. yep, you read that right....Colorado speedway. Crazy, I know. It was actually lots of fun. We really aren't NASCAR fans or even watch races....but it was such a fun place to people watch and honestly get loud and obnoxious for an evening. There is a lot about racing I don't really understand.....because they kept doing things I didn't get. But, it was a fun evening.

We rode the motorcyle there. We were so thrilled to find out that they had very special motorcycle parking up front. So, we felt like stars getting to park right up front. Well, when we left the races it was probably 50 degrees the ride home was um.....I can't sugar coat it....freakin freezing!!! It took me at least two hours to thaw out after that ride. But, it was so much fun and so worth it!!

It was our first ride of the season, because for the last 7, yes 7 weekends it has been rainy and cold. So, too cold to ride a bike. But, yesterday it was a lovely 70 degrees and just perfect. So, we had to get the bike out!! It was wonderful and felt to great to ride. I love the feeling of freedome I get from riding. Plus, since I ride behind Robb...I get to just take in the miles of farms, mountains and see so much more than the dozens o people we pass on the road. Since I have been riding the bike...I have started to realize how much we miss every day. It's amazing how much more you see on that back of that bike. And honestly, some of it is so amazing and I feel so lucky to be allowed and able to see it. :o)

Okay, I'm late for another birthday lunch. I'll write more later. :o)

Happy Sunday!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm so excited about your walk. I can't wait to hear how it goes!
