Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pretty pictures of our flowers :o)

Okay, and now pictures.

Here are some pictures of the flowers I bought today.

This first one is a close up of the fuchsia I got, I hung it in the middle of the sitting area and it looks like a chandelier. Kinda hopefully I won't kill it.

And all of the flowers together.

And a close up of the petunia's


  1. Your house is so cute.

  2. what a great front porch!

  3. You should post about the MS Walk here, in case you have lurkers. I swear I donated, my name just isn't showing up (if you add up the names that do appear, you will see there is a discrepancy in your rolls). :( You'd be surprised at how many lurkers you may have: I have had messages left by other bloggers whose blogs I had never known existed.
